Monday, March 26, 2007

Lab 6 was fun. But I am afraid that I made a fundamental error. In my last lab the map displayed all the way over to the left and was slightly small. This time I englarged the map in order to overcome some of these problems. Unfortunately, the map is too long ( and still over on the left). The width is ok, but you will have to scroll up and down to get the whole thing. I hate that, and it was tonight before I realized the problem and as I have already remade this map 3 times, I know there is no time to complete it one more time before the posting deadline. So here it is. I am wondering if the placement of the movie is a setting within the html page part of the Flash output. That is a question to explore next week....

This map was much easier to make than the last one. I did have scripting typos but other than that it was fun. The layout is what gave me the hardest time. I finally got everything the way I wanted it but it was just too plain. I think the radial background solved that problem. Although it is not the most pleasing thing either. It does help Minnesota stand out from the background, that was important. The background was hard because all of the tints I tried out-shined the 20% transparency of the layers, but it really needed something to provide contrast particularly between Minnesota and the Great Lakes. I think the radial background does that.

I also meant to put a drop shadow on the map, but I did not remember until after I had made the map for the last time and applying a drop shadow to the graphic was not really a drop shadow. Instead it was a receded outline of the map which just made the whole thing look blurry.

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